Predator Battle Ireland. Look back at the Prize giving evening with loads of sponsor prizes.
40 teams and so many sponsor prizes, so are we big as a competition or are we big in prizes? For me personally I’m happier with all those sponsors than a big number in teams, although we were fully booked out!
Yes 40 teams were the maximum number for 2019 and more than 50% went home with a nice prize, which you can see below! That is more or less what we want, so great value for your entry fee!
On every day something was given away, starting at the team meeting and at the end of every competition day!
For 2020 we will go to a max of 50 teams, but there it will stay! Never and never we will go bigger in numbers only in sponsor prizes! Well…. sponsors don’t hang on a tree so have to search and look around and when you found one how to persuade? I can only say…we have many sponsors so we do something right!

Alumacraft Europe Netherlands
Pega Boat trailers Netherlands
Of course only the 1st prize is a fixed one, but all the other prizes are free of choice. Example, you win the 2nd prze….you can take any prize you want. Same for the 3rd, 4th and so on. But we have more like free goodies, finger food, local vouchers, free food etc for all. And extra prices for the biggest Pike, Perch and Trout of the competition.

Battery labs Netherlands

Rozemeijer Netherlands

Water Mill Fishing Lodge Ireland/Uk

Veluwemeer pension Netherlands Canada

Mac Fishing BV Netherlands

Tesoros Del Ebro Spain

Miuras Lures Italy

VB Lures Italy

Arkosund Fishing Lodge Sweden

Navionics UK/Ireland

Miuras Lures Italy

Dekker Custom baits Netherlands

Jack Pyke of England

Dennet Outdoor UK/Ireland

Dennet Outdoor UK/Ireland

Fladen Fishing UK/Ireland

Fladen Fishing UK/Ireland

Angling Service Ireland Ireland

Border Fishing Guides UK/Ireland

Blue Shark Angling Ireland

Carrigaholt Sea Angling Ireland

Navionics UK/Ireland

fisHerman Pike Fishing Ireland.
26 teams received a sponsor prize, amazing or what?
Extra prizes for the biggest/longest Pike, Perch and Trout as well.
While trying to get this article ready we are not open yet to register for 2020, but recieve already some forms…they can’t wait! Better be on time for 2020, open for all to enter, but teams that have participated in 2019 are given priority over participation till the end of November 2019. After November open to all.
Thank you all and we will meet again on Lough Derg, Killaloe/Ballina, Ireland.
With kind regards, Herman Molenaar