Check-in information and important addresses Predatortour Zweden!
– Örnäs camping, Gamla Örnäsgatan 40, 66231 Åmål, Phone : +46 532-790100. Arrival and departure times at Örnäs according your booking confirmation. Your stuga will be opened just before arrival, the access code to the electronic gate and other necessary information will be placed inside. In case of any questions or problems, please contact the reception. Please follow staff instructions for parking of boats and cars.
– Sportfishing Dalsland, Vallsjön 710, 66295 Fengersfors. Phone : +46 70 206 7370. Arrival and departure times according your booking confirmation. If you have already received your key code and route description, then you can go directly to your accommodation and check-in yourself. Otherwise check-in at Vallsjön 710, Fengersfors. In case of any questions, problems or delays please contact us by email: info@sportfishingdalsland.com or phone : +46 70 206 7370
– Hotels, B&B’s and other accommodations: Please follow instructions according to your booking confirmation, or contact your host/booking agency.
– Harry’s restaurant / PT registration: Hamngatan 5, 662 31 Åmål
– Main harbor/checkpoint, Boat ramp A, and trailer parking (Harbor and parking usage only if reserved): Måkebergsvägen, Åmål, https://goo.gl/maps/xmx9cEhitCD2
– Boat ramp B: https://goo.gl/maps/AzCvD2YHbPk
– Fuel station: The fuel station in the main harbor will be open on 24-25 and 26 April, between 16:00 – 19:00 . See image.

* Please respect the rules for parking cars and trailers near the ramps.
* Please clean up your accommodation before departure.
* Usage of the ramp at Örnäs camping is only allowed if you booked your accommodation there.
* Please DO NOT use the ramp and parking at Marin Fritid, unless you have special permission.

Any more questions?
For the latest news check the website: www.predatortour.se
Or check it out on the Predatortour Sweden Facebook page
Just contact us by email: info@sportfishingdalsland.com
Welcome soon!!